Thursday, October 8, 2020

Decoding the Past: Conversations with PC Innovators

The Paul Gray PC Museum's Decoding the Past: Conversations with PC Innovators is a conversational series with key players in the personal computer revolution. The first engagement, held on September 30 via Zoom Webinar, featured Jack Nilles, internationally known as the father of telecommuting and teleworking, Len Jessup, President of CGU, and Lorne Olfman, Professor and Director of CISAT.

Dr. Nilles opened the event with a keynote address describing the historical narrative of telecommuting. He began with his early inspiration in the late 1960's and discussed the subsequent decades of social, cultural, and technological  challenges and advancements that led to the realization of his vision today. Dr. Jessup and Dr. Olfman then joined the conversation, reflecting on telework, telecommuting, and distance learning in the context of the global pandemic. We dedicated the final portion of the event to audience questions and answers, and were left with some lingering questions and insights:

    What do you miss most in telework and distance learning?
    How can we address issues of access and equity in telework?
    What will the "new normal" look like when the pandemic subsides?

You can watch the recording of our webinar event HERE

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